The Model
The Income and Expense Model™ process crafts an individualized vision of the future.
The Income and Expense Model ™
Process is best described as researching your future. Sophisticated planning software plays a big role in understanding the path you are on and where current spending habits and savings habits will take you. If you do not like where your current path is leading, small changes in behavior can often make a big difference over time. The brilliant graphical interface provided by the planning software dovetailed with years of experience allows people to understand their own financial situation. If the future is not to your liking, the behavior changes needed are much easier to achieve over time with consistent advice and the Income and Expense Model ™ process.
We Spend Time With People...
Our modelling process is unique in the industry. The process begins with spending time helping you understand your own situation. Together we can start to understand what you want your future to look like. We Help You to Address Questions about Relationships and Money
We are thought leaders in our industry, using cutting edge tools to build a unique model for each person. The model reflects real-world experience and crafts and individualized vision of the future.
Unique Experience
Your experience in dealing with our office will be completely different than what you are accustomed to with other financial service offices.
Why is the Experience Unique?
Our approach deals with things in the right order. We start with understanding your financial needs and desires, and then works backwards to research the important financial numbers.
Help Answer Questions about Relationships and Money
Am I going to be OK? How can I be proactive?
Psychological Stages of Money
“Why do I feel this way about money and financial decisions?”
Working with couples and individuals to craft a customized financial future based on the Income and Expense Model™ process
Many decisions of a financial nature require careful consideration of the facts and analysis of the specific circumstances. Here are some examples of this type of decision:
- Pension survivorship options
- Paying down debt vs. investing
- Use of tax shelters
- Savings vs. spending
- Use of leverage (borrowing to invest)
- RSP vs. non-registered saving
It is very important to find an expert in the field; someone whose experience you can lean on. A professional will rely on knowledge gained through education, through personal experience, and vicariously through situations they have worked through with their clients. This level of experience allows them to steer you in the right direction.
People often talk to their accountant or lawyer regarding financial matters. These professionals can frequently provide a good second opinion. For specific financial matters however, not all accountants or lawyers have the expertise necessary to deal with the questions asked. When you work with someone who truly specializes in financial planning, you ensure that dealing with this type of questions is their primary focus.
Good advisors make the best interests of the client their top priority. They work with the client to set financial objectives and to structure a plan to reach those objectives. Along the way they assist the client in dealing with the many financial decisions that are required; only some of which involve financial products. We refer to this way of working with clients as the consultative approach. This approach has more to do with understanding the needs of the client than it does with the sale of product.
What is it like when your advisor uses the consultative approach?
1. Your sessions with the advisor should focus on you.
The focus of discussions is based on your needs, and your goals. Product related matters are secondary.
2. Negatives and alternatives to any course of action are discussed
Discussions include identification of the things that can go wrong with the strategy being recommended. Many situations are not straightforward and a number of alternatives need to be laid out with all information disclosed in a relatively easy to understand manner.
3. Advisor compensation is fully disclosed.
There are many good advisors who sell products including: GICs, mortgages, life insurance, and mutual funds. All of these products have commissions and fees associated with them. A good advisor will provide complete disclosure of all compensation they receive. Although these amounts are often hidden within the products themselves and are not paid directly by the client, disclosure allows the consumer to make an informed decision taking into consideration:
The amount of advisor compensation
The value provided by the advisor
The potential that good advice may improve their financial situation down the road
If the client feels comfortable with these considerations, the compensation paid will be well worth it. Consider this, if you are working with an accountant or a lawyer, all of this is disclosed upfront during the engagement; the amount you will be charged per hour, and the approximate number of hours involved with the case. The relationship with your advisor should be no different.
Whenever you purchase a financial product or service, someone is making money on that product or service. A certain amount of skepticism is healthy because there is certainly the potential for a conflict of interest. In our opinion however, as long as pricing is competitive, it makes sense to buy that product or service from an advisor that focuses on client needs and provides the highest level of client service.
Working with couples and individuals to craft a customized financial future based on the Income and Expense Model™ process

John Armstrong, CFP®
John is a true financial practitioner with over 30 years in the industry dealing with thousands of individuals and couples. John has developed what he calls "clinical experience."
Nick Hirst, Investment Advisor
Nick is excited about entering the financial services industry. Nick has made large strides so far and will continue to do so as his eagerness to learn and assist others is unrivalled.
Joe Shumka, Investment Advisor
Joe has been working in the industry since 2001 originally in the mutual funds department with a Waterloo based company and then later in 2002 started with the John Armstrong team.
We take the time to understand your situation and we deliver personalized customized solutions.
We would love to hear from you and see how we can help
Our Location:
279 Weber St. N., Lwr, Suite 3
Waterloo, ON N2J 3H8
Toll Free:
Mutual funds provided through Sterling Mutuals Inc.